
This title kinda describes my recent "status"... not really emotional, more of my physical status. Last night I had one of those "lightbulb moments" - ding! I blogged about my 'experiment' to determine if I was allergic to carbohydrates a few days ago. Well, I guess allergic is a pretty strong word, but the reason I say this is because when I eat a lot of carbohydrates I don't feel good - in fact I feel pretty bad. Of course, this is also probably attributed to the fact that my portion sizes are meant for a full grown elephant and that my choice in carbohydrates lately have been french fries and gummy bears, but none the less, these things really aren't sitting that well in my tummy. This is really tragedy in my mind... I LOVE gummies, etc. I could seriously live off gummies if it wouldn't leave me completely malnourished and strung out on sugar all the time. So here's where the serious part comes in... I was reading this article about how certain body types respond better to certain diets. They were discussing things like high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hypertension, etc. Here is the statement that also made me drop the book... "those who are at risk for having high triglycerides should be very controlled with their carbohydrate intake if they are looking to loose weight or maintain weight". WHA?!?! NO!!! How can this be?! Those of you reading this might be saying... umm yah, that's kinda obvious. But here is where the enlightenment comes in... a few years ago when I was living in Colorado I had some blood work done. The results came back showing my triglycerides were through the roof! The doctor was shocked... and of course so was I - I literally cried for days. I thought, oh my gosh... I have a major health concern! At the time I asked the doctor, "how can this be?" he responded with a "there's nothing you can do about it, it must be in your genetics and we should really get you on some medication, you'll be on it for the rest of your life"? Whatever!!! No one in family is on medication for this! Not even my great grandparents (yes, I said Great Grandparents). He wanted to put me on medication, I thought it was ridiculous - the usual stubborn me decided that I would NOT take the pills. I actually asked at that time if this could have anything to do with my love of sweets. He told me no, they were unrelated. I always wondered to myself about this... and since then I have started seeing more and more research linking these things together. Years later, I had my blood work checked again. This was during a time when I was eating much more in balance and.. viola! No high triglycerides!

Moral of the story is that this was sorta an eye opener for me, sometimes you don't want to admit that nutrition has this much control over you. I love my sweets and I love to eat fruit, pasta, etc. But I honestly feel that this way of eating has left me achy, tired and lethargic... so I am on the journey to correct this with my new food periodization (to enhance my training). Everyone wants to be that person who can "eat anything" and not worry about it. To some degree I am that person, I can certainly eat more than most and not worry about weight gain. And then again, I'm not that person because it's now more obvious than ever that I may be headed for major disease if I don't find a healthy carbohydrate balance for me. Who signed me up for this 'nutrition train'? The ride has been pretty educational to this point, sorta bumpy but I have been learning so much about my body... to be continued...


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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...