The joy ride is over

Well, my "food joy ride" has officially ended. It's crazy to think I am only 3 weeks post show and yet it feels like forever ago. I have been creating a new nutritional periodization chart that will help support my training periodization. The thought here is that by doing this I will be able to train harder and 'better'. I have transitioned into my next marathon training (this is probably glaringly obvious by my blog posts and new title). I am doing a bit of experimentation with my training this year. Of course my mileage will be high as it always is with training, but my strength training and protein intake will also remain high. This isn't your typical marathon runners schedule but I am breaking out of the mold a bit and honestly feel that while this isn't the 'traditional' way to eat and train I am going to do it this way. There is lots of evidence out there to suggest that my way of training may actually be the 'new way' to train - plus, it creates a different physique. It will enable me to maintain a look that is similar to my "figure girl look". Shapely muscles are much more aesthetically pleasing to me.

I just finished my long run for the day, I did another 8 miler. If you remember from last weeks postings, I have such a long training plan this time around that it will allow me to hover and back off long run mileage throughout my training regimen, this should allow my body to adapt to the speed I am looking to run Portland in. Today was actually a very good run. I was a bit concerned because of my tight hips and IT bands and from being sore from my strength workout on Thursday but I had a great run. I also didn't eat anything before the run (big no, no) - this was because I just spaced it. So taking all things into consideration (tired sore unfueled legs) the run went well. I paced at about a 8:35 min/mile. Ideally I would have run 8:10 min/miles or faster but I can't complain. Your long runs usually tend to be about 30 secs to a minute slower than your race pace. It was a beautiful morning... sun was shining, people happy to be outside, birds chirping... and I just finished a Slimfast shake with a scoop of glutamine added to it, this is actually the PERFECT recovery snack for after a run.

I expended 1011 calories on my run today... My new nutrition plan will allow me to eat enough calories to be in balance if I want to do that but I think I may try and shed about 10lbs or so by race day (that's like 2lbs a month... I certainly have plenty of time to get that done). I know by dropping a few additional lbs my running will improve. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I am fat at all (I mean geez - I just did a figure show!) but when you are running extra mass isn't necessarily a good thing. I know that even without adjusting my current nutritional habits this will easily happen, so I know this will be pretty easy to do (wouldn't be surprised if I have lost the 10lbs by July 1st). TJ doesn't want me to loose any weight, he says he loves the way my body is now, and I do too, but.... this is for the sport and to achieve the goal.

BTW, have I mentioned how much I love peaking at all the info that my Garmin running watch captures? Because it takes into account elevation and your body weight, age, gender, etc. it is very accurate in calculating pace, distance, energy expended, heart rate, etc. It tracks everything via GPS and I become a little computer nerd when I upload my info. My OCD tendencies come out as I compare runs, I am trying to reign in the obsessive thought process. This tool is invaluable when it comes to modifying your training plan though - it really is great.

Well, I'm off to get some house stuff done. TJ and I leave for Hawaii in a little over 2 weeks (thank GOD I am bikini ready!). I'm going to start packing my swimsuits, etc. Yes, I am a 'super planner'. I want to get a bit more spring cleaning done before we go so I am going to spend the weekend doing that... Aloha!


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About Me

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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...