Day of the Dualthon

Yesterday was a successful day! Pam and I went to Couer d Alene, yes this is a great way to start any day, in a beautiful place. We swam in the lake, in our wetsuits. I let Pam go off and do her thing, I didn't want to hold her back and I needed to work on my own swimming rhythm. The wake in the water was a challenge to get used to, but great for me to practice in. It forced me to breath on both sides in order to not suffocate (this would not be a good thing). I felt like I was really able to get into a rhythm and practice my breathing technique in a "sloshing around" environment. Plus, it marked another successful day getting in and out of my wetsuit... hehe!

After the swim we went on a bike ride. Part of our ride was out to Higgins Point and back, this is part of the Ironman course (albeit a very small part, but I will count it). In total we rode 25 miles, some on hills and some with traffic. My challenges were mostly with the "crotch region" and my neck. These things just take some getting used to - not much else to say here. All in all, each day brings new adventures. I am just trying to be humble through the process and take each day as it comes <--- these are probably the wisest words I have ever spoken, I wonder if this 'training' is making me a smarter person?


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About Me

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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...