walking on stilts

well... its official.  remember that workout i had planned?  well, it came and went.  meaning - i did it... and then kinda regretted it!  holy moly!  i was sooooo sore.  my legs hurt so bad i spent three solid days hobbling around.  picture a woman who is 9 months pregnant walking on stilts.  no really... you know the "pregnant lean back" thats how i managed to get down stairs.  no, im not pregnant thats just the visual im giving.  it sucked.  but was humbling.
on other fronts, my nutrition has been good.  i feel much more in control.  one great thing is that my new co-workers and i created some healthy snack baskets.  we added fresh fruit, nuts, dried berries, healthy granola bars, teas, etc. so that we are surrounded by yummy healthy things when we want a snack.  its seriously great.  we also have access to a great cafeteria if i forget my lunch.  basically there is really no excuse to turn into a cookie monster at 3pm.  my cravings and feelings of exhaustion have also gone away.  i am happy to announce that i have been off my anxiety meds for 5 solid days.  i went through a weaning off phase and feel great.  i cant believe how stressed and buried i was.  i finally feel "normal" again.  im really looking forward to my journey ahead.  more to come...

ps (i am typing this on my tablet, so pardon the puncutations and misspellings)

It's time to ressurect this bizzo

Holy moly.  It has been a very. long. time!  I've decided that I am ready to ressurect this blog.  I am currently going through what some might categorize as a major life change as I am changing jobs.  Last week was week number 1.  It was great.  This is a much needed transition for my sanity and life balance.  It has been refreshing.  Along with all of the changes has come mental clarity, full nights of sleep, no headaches, waking up feeling energized, no teeth grinding at night, etc.  Sound like I feel less stressed?  Well, that is because I am.  Hallelujah.

Although the week started out as a sort of emotional one (found myself feeling guilty and sad that I had "left" a team that I cared so much about) I quickly settled into my new position and realized how much better this will be for me in the long run.  Plus relationships can be maintained!
I'm not going to spend this whole post typing out what has happened since I was last on here... those updates will come in upcoming posts as I start to post again.  The one major thing is that the hubs and I have been trying to start a family - not going to go into details just yet but we have been unsuccessful.  With this job transition we have decided to wait a few months and plan a sunny get away first.  I NEED to get back into shape.  I feel like a little dumpling piglet hefer roly poly rhino waddling around.
I have started working out again this week, actually easing myself into it.  Can you believe that... me "easing myself" into anything?!?!  I have a trip planned to workout at the Y today and am feeling good about things.  However, I am planning a TABATA training... which might leave my body severely sore by morning.  I'm hoping I will still be able to waddle into work in the morn.  As a side note, I am also weaning myself off of anti-anxiety meds that I have been on for the past 4 months or so.  I think having to go on meds for anxiety was a major sign that I needed to make some sort of change and thus am on that journey now.
So.... there you have it ~ updates on training, food and other coming soon...


About Me

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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...