
I am a total fiend for caffiene right now! So I guess you could call me a caffiend... caffiene really is a drug! Lately, my thoughts and needs have become consumed by coffee. I notice how much of a negative impact this has on me. Being on a caffiene roller coaster (complete with nausea side effects and dizzyness) is no fun! Really it is quite difficult for me to get off of this stupid roller coaster, I feel like I have no self control. To make things worse I am not drinking enough water, so I am habitually dehydrated which has added to the problem and made me feel lethargic. I have been waking up exhausted and achy... probably from the "crash" of the caffiene. Anyway, I am dealing with this battle to try and overcome this issue!

I had a pretty good workout the night before last. I did some speedwork, but didn't want to overdo it so I kept it pretty mild. Here are a few of the details;

*4 x 800 meters @ 7:30 min/mile pace (with 100 meters of rest)
*Leg press (drop sets - 100, 80, 60lbs - 10 reps each, 2 sets)
*Leg Ext (drop sets - 60, 40, 20lb - 10 reps each, 2 sets)
*Curtsy lunges (20 each leg, 2 sets)

I had intended to do 4 sets, but my legs were shot and oh man, was I sore the next morning! I decided to take yesterday off (bad Nicole!) but it was great to relax, chow down on some popcorn and watch a movie with TJ. Today I am back on... going to get a run in this evening and a strength workout. Tomorrow brings a long run (9-10 miles)...


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About Me

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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...