Did I catch a 9-er in there?!?

Today I completed my long run for the week. 9 miles in a pair of new running shoes (complements of by hubby, pictured to the left). These have been my 'go-to' shoes forever, the Asics Gel Nimbus. They just came out with a new model, which they do every year or so... the Gel Nimbus 12. I have owned every Gel Nimbus since number 6... I have strayed a few times and tried other shoes but I keep coming back. I don't even know why I every try and leave, they always treat me right (kinda like a great boyfriend who you fail to appreciate for some reason). Anyway, these shoes carried me swiftly along the trail today. I wish I could say that the weather was as supportive... about 1.5 miles in I got pelted by hail. It rained and hailed for about 2 miles or so. I just kept on keepin on... completed my run in 116 minutes, about a 8:30 min/mile average. I will take it! Especially because this week left me drained (physically, mentally and nutritionally). For some reason, my nutrition has been all over the place - not necessarily too much food but not the right kinds of calories. Take for example the fact that my afternoon was filled with a giant brownie and 3 cups of coffee yesterday. This doesn't exactly leave ones body overloaded with nutrition. I came home and went on a short run, which I didn't even have enough energy for. I felt bogged down, and sick to my stomach. Kinda like a car puttering as it runs outta gas... that was me - stop and start and stop and start... no one can qualify for Boston lookin like a backfiring car!

Last night I felt like a wilted plant (as many of my houseplants look like when I let them go too long without water). Funny thing is, they perk right up once they get water. After I had some nutritionally sound food last night I perked right up too! I had this enlightening conversation last night with TJ... telling him how crazy nutrition affects your life. All he kept saying was, "you're the one who ate the brownie and drank the coffee".. I was like, "NO SHIT SHERLOCK! That isn't my point of this conversation!". I was willing to accept the responsibility for my fat girl actions, but what I was saying was think of how many Americans fall victim to the viscous cycle of eating crap food.

I ate well this morning, had two pieces of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread (one was with PB) and a banana. I know that my body was still suffering from the residual lack of nutrition it experienced all week (my body was making me feel like it was going to give me an all natural colon cleanse around mile 7 - not good), so I was glad my run went ok and I didn't have the colon cleanse. Today I carried along a few of my 'tools of the trade' during my run. These are things that help me on my long runs;
Below is my fuel belt (helps ensure I am adequately hydrated along the way) and ridiculously expensive Garmin running watch (a $400 original investment that has actually be a very useful tool - but has also pissed me off a number of times too when it doesn't tell me what I want it to "tell me", but it never lies).

Also below you will find my favorite brand of running gels, CarbBoom. Maybe its just the name that roped me in, but I love these - the flavors are great. They have a bit more of a salty taste to them than the other brands. My favorite flavor is banana-peach, literally tastes like mashed up bananas and peaches with a hint of salt (this might not sound good now but on a long run it really tastes good. Although they do have a new Watermelon flavor, which I haven't tried - so I might be changing my favorite flavor once I get my mits on one of the Watermelon ones...


Anonymous said...

bahhhhhhh!! WERE U CALLIN FROM A WALKI-TALKIE???? HAHHHHaaaaa love tommy boy!!
okay girl-i totallly agree and realise once youre in a less than stellar cycle of food intake-it is indeed hard to break out of....makes u emphathetic to the rest of society, huh!! i usually think--how can u eat that shiz--but then when i get caught-i think...ohhh, i get it. hmmmmmmm....
love ya, em

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About Me

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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...