WHA jus happened?!?!

What a whirlwind! Sorry for my delay in posting but this week flew by. So... the show was last weekend - mission accomplished! I have just completed my first figure show!!! The night after the show I was almost in shock that it was over and that I had done a show. I woke up the next morning feeling as though I was in a dream, or that I had done the show a LONG time ago. I still feel like it was so long ago, but it was only last saturday! It was a great week, it felt good to get back in the gym and not feel the pressure of show prep - but to just enjoy my workouts and feel good about where I am at physically. I didn't place at the show, I got sixth in my height class. At first I was a bit bummed and somewhat frustrated feeling like some of those that had placed didn't have the 'figure' look but that they had only placed because of the politics of the industry (they looked more like bodybuilders but had been competing for some time and knew the judges). On Monday this feeling quickly left, and I was able to just be proud of my accomplishments and what I had done.

For those of you who are dying to know... yes I did indulge after the show and somewhat throughout the week. Probably no more than the average person, but certainly worlds different than my show prep diet. I am still retaining a good bit of water from my escapade. Now is time to refocus... what is next you ask? Well, I would like to refocus on my running - qualify for Boston this year... I am close enough I know I could do it. Some of my other goals include writing a book (always wanted to do that, although I haven't narrowed in on a topic yet). One of the things I told TJ I would love to do is to get into fitness modeling (probably just a pipe dream there). Of course Ironman is still on my list and I know sign ups for 2011 are coming soon... that has been in the back of my mind :)

One interesting side effect of doing the show is that people are so intrigued by me now. They want information from me on how to improve their health, I have had SEVERAL requests for personal training. TJ and I have been talking about a business idea that I may decide to launch sometime this fall - this is top secret. The exciting thing is I am not sure that anyone is doing quite what I have thought about doing in the Spokane area, it is pretty unique. Aside from that I am going to enjoy living my life... TJ and I leave for Hawaii in exactly one month! We both want to rock our 'bikini bodies' (hehehe just pictured TJ in a bikini).

Thank you to all that have provided me with support through the process, those who continually reassured me that I could accomplish this goal - without you I'm not sure I would have stepped on stage. The question everyone asks me (literally hundreds have asked me this already)... is .... when is your next show? HAha! First~ there needs to be a "would you do a" in that question. "Would I do another show"? Hmmm... the answer I can give at this time is 'maybe'... that is to be determined. :)


Anonymous said...

congrats on the show!! you look incredible and it was awesome watching your journey!!! here's to a BQ!! :)

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About Me

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I have been athletic ALL of my life, I think at this point it would be safe to say its in my DNA. I have played many competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, track), have played recreationally (soccer, softball) and have been working out since I was in 4th grade. I started lifting in 7th grade - yes, was even starting to learn the full on olympic lifts. I now enjoy running, hiking, skiing, hangin out at the lake and just being active. I have run a couple of marathons, and recently competed in my first figure show. I am not sure what the future holds for me with regards to my "exercise adventures" but I look forward to finding out...